Thursday, June 26, 2008

Will you come?

Hello one and all.

Dear ILTV has brought me out into the light, it's doubtful that I shall shine but I appreciate your company and am hungry to learn from you illuminated folk.

So here goes...
I invite you to join me on a journey in my Kaleidoscope, I know, of our journey's destination but not of the actual course or the duration.

This journey is not for the faint hearted, nor for those content with 'safe', it's for folk who have stamina (it's a long journey [how long is a piece of string?]. It's not for just the wealthy (as in money) [ this journey cost not a penny]

You can come just as you are, all you need is to want to come and to choose a colour, a colour you either would like to be, or a colour you feel you are right now.

It doesn't matter if we have lots of the same colour but try to be imaginative as the more colours we have the greater the fun and excitement on the journey, which does mean we need numerous applicants.

Pass the word around, we won't be 'taking off' until Kaleidoscope 1 is full to capacity.

I am blue (shade- azure) I await in anticipation of welcoming you aboard......


I, Like The View said...

I think I'd like to be a deep purple. . .


(and the song you were humming earlier was Nina & Frederic's Little Boxes)


Kelly said...

ILTV, thanks for solving that.

Deep purple is a good rich colour, an asset to the team, welcome aboard.

Gordie said...

Thank you for the invite, Kelly. I choose tangerine. Is that okay?

Kelly said...

Tangerine is very fruity, welcome aboard.

Z said...

Green, like the grass and my eye.

katherine. said...

hmmm....a journey...curious

blue is taken...perhaps turquoise...

Mel said...

<---sunshiney yellow, please


Pumpkin orange.....yep...

NO NO NO....
Sunshiney yellow--definitely.


Only ONE?


Sunshiney yellow it is.
Unless pumpkin orange isn't taken.
Or....even if it is, I oughta stick with the first choice that comes to mind, right?...k.....
How about harvest gold?

I suck.


Kelly said...

Z... Green is a good healing colour, with Gordie's fruit and your green vegi,we are be healthy...Welcome aboard.

Katherine... Welcome to you too, good choice...turquoise. All the blues get my vote.

Mel...You are pure gold, certainly no country pumkin, but as you 'bring me sunshine' (that's one for ILTV) Sunshiney yellow it is. Welcome aboard.

Ivy said...

I`m a blue person too - the blue of the sea with the sun shining from a blue sky on it. Is it cobalt blue?

Kelly said...

Ivy...Welcome aboard ,cobalt is a deep blue, perhaps you are a deep thinker?

Anonymous said...

Ooh, can I come too? Colour me ruby red.

Mel said...


Sunshiney yellow!

Yup....I'm good with that!

*happily humming*

Mel said...

<--checking in......cuz it's been very, very quiet for a very, very, very longggg time.....

I, Like The View said...

*nodding in agreement*
